Condominium Law

Liens & Litigation

When a unit owner fails to pay the amounts demanded by the condominium, such as the regular maintenance fees, special assessments, or amounts claimed for damage caused by the unit, the condominium may choose to place a lien on the unit. Such a lien will usually need to be paid off before the unit is sold or re-mortgaged, and may eventually entitle the condominium to seize and sell off the unit.

Condominium liens are a very powerful remedy, but are subject to many specialized rules, requirements, and deadlines. Both the condominium contemplating a lien and the unit owner faced with a lien will want to proceed both quickly and carefully. Skilled legal advice is strongly recommended.

Other forms of litigation are also possible in the condominium context. For example, the condominium can sue a third-party contractor or service provider over a breach of contract or damages to the property.

Our firm has represented both condominiums and unit owners in litigation with each other and with third parties. Contact us today and see how we can help you!

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